Present Simple

Present Simple

1) Use

❖ We use the present simple:

- For facts that are always true.
The human body contains 206 bones.

- For things that happen regularly.
I drink coffee for breakfast.

- To describe opinions and ideas.
I think New York is exciting.

2) How to form the present simple

- The present simple is the base form of the verb.
I speak English.

- In the present simple, We add -s or -es to the verb after he / she / it.
He speaks English.
She watches TV.

Some verbs in the present simple
Infinitive I, You, We, They He, She, It
To ask Ask Asks
To work Work Works
To brush Brush Brushes
To have Have Has

- Verb 'to be' is irregular, we don’t add -s or -es to it.

'to be' in the present simple
Infinitive I He, She, It You, We, They
To be Am Is Are

He is rich.

3) How to form a negative sentence in the present simple

- We add 'do not' or 'does not' (don’t or doesn’t) before the base form of the verb to form a negative sentence in the present simple.
I / You / We / They + don’t + Verb
He / She / It + doesn’t + Verb
(+) You speak French.
(-) You don’t speak French.
(+) She speaks Spanish.
(-) She doesn’t speak Spanish.

- Verb 'to be' is irregular, we don’t add 'don’t' or 'doesn’t' before it to form its negative form in the present simple.

Negative form of 'to be' in the present simple
Infinitive I He, She, It You, We, They
To be Am not Is not Are not

(+) I am happy.
(-) I am not happy.
(+) She is tall.
(-) She is not tall.

4) How to form a question in the present simple

- We add 'Do' or 'Does' before the subject to form a question in the present simple.
Do + I / You / We / They + Verb
Does + He / She / It + Verb
(+) You speak French.
(?) Do you speak French?
     Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
(+) She speaks Spanish.
(?) Does she speak Spanish?
     Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.

- Verb 'to be' is irregular, we don’t add 'do' or 'does' before its subject to form a question in the present simple.
Am + I
Is + He / She / It
Are + You / We / They
(+) I am happy.
(?) Am I happy?
     Yes, you are / No, you are not.
(+) She is tall.
(?) Is she tall?
     Yes, she is / No, she is not.

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