Past Simple

Past Simple

1) Use

❖ We use the past simple:

- For actions that finished in the past.
I bought a new phone yesterday.

- For repeated actions in the past.
When I was a boy, I played football every week.

2) How to form the past simple

- We add -ed or -d to the regular verbs to form the past simple.

Some regular verbs in the past simple
Infinitive I, You, He, She, It, We, They
To play Played
To want Wanted
To live Lived
To dance Danced

Ann watched TV.
My parents lived in Spain.

- Some verbs are irregular, we don’t add -ed or -d to them.

Some irregular verbs in the past simple
Infinitive I, He, She, It We, You, They
To be Was Were
To go Went
To eat Ate
To drink Drank

He went to the beach last weekend.
I was happy yesterday.
They were at school.

3) How to form a negative sentence in the past simple

- We add 'did not' (didn’t) before the base form of the verb to form a negative sentence in the past simple.
Subject + didn’t + Verb
(+) Ann watched TV.
(-) Ann didn’t watch TV.
(+) He went to the beach last weekend.
(-) He didn’t go to the beach last weekend.

- Verb 'to be' is irregular, we don’t add 'didn’t' before it to form its negative form in the past simple.

Negative form of 'to be'
Infinitive I, He, She, It We, You, They
To be Was not (wasn't) Were not (weren't)

(+) I was happy yesterday.
(-) I was not happy yesterday.
(+) They were at school.
(-) They were not at school.

4) How to form a question in the past simple

- We add 'Did' before the subject to form a question in the past simple.
Did + Subject + Verb
(+) Ann watched TV.
(?) Did Ann watch TV?
     Yes, she did / No, she didn’t.
(+) He went to the beach last weekend.
(?) Did
he go to the beach last weekend?
     Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.

- Verb 'to be' is irregular, we don’t add 'did' before its subject to form a question in the past simple.
Was + I / He / She / It
Were + You / We / They
(+) I was happy yesterday.
(?) Was I happy yesterday?
     Yes, you were / No, you weren’t.
(+) They were at school.
(?) Were they at school?
     Yes, they were / No, they weren’t.

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