Present Continuous

Present Continuous

1) Use

- We use the present continuous for actions happening at the moment of speaking.
I am trying to do my homework.

- We also use the present continuous for actions happening around the time of speaking.
John is learning Italian.

- We often use 'now', 'right now' or 'at the moment' to talk about the present continuous.
Mary is reading a book at the moment.
They are playing basketball now.

2) How to form the present continuous

We form the present continuous with am / are / is + the '-ing' form of the verb.
Am / Are / Is + '-ing' form of the verb
Steve is watching TV.

'-ing' forms of some verbs
Infinitive '-ing' form of the verb
To work Working
To read Reading
To watch Watching
To make Making

3) How to form a negative sentence in the present continuous

We add 'not' after am / are / is to form a negative sentence in the present continuous.
Am / Are / Is + not + '-ing' form of the verb
(+) Steve is watching TV.
(-) Steve is not watching TV.
(+) You are playing the guitar.
(-) You are not playing the guitar.

4) How to form a question in the present continuous

We move am / are / is to the beginning of the sentence to form a question in the present continuous.
Am / Are / Is + Subject + '-ing' form of the verb
(+) Steve is watching TV.
(?) Is Steve watching TV?
     Yes, he is / No, he is not.
(+) You are playing the guitar.
(?) Are you playing the guitar?
     Yes, I am / No, I am not.

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