Past Perfect

Past Perfect

1) Use

❖ We use the past perfect:

- To describe an action that happened before another action in the past.
She had washed the dishes before she went out.

- To describe a complete past action that had visible results in the past.
Emily was happy because her husband had bought her a new car.

2) How to form the past perfect

We form the past perfect with 'had' + the past participle of the verb.
Had + Past participle of the verb
Steve had watched the match before he came home.

Past participles of some verbs
Infinitive Past participle of the verb
To work Worked
To watch Watched
To see Seen
To be Been

3) How to form a negative sentence in the past perfect

We add 'not' after 'had' to form a negative sentence in the past perfect.
Had + not + Past participle of the verb
(+) She had washed the dishes before she went out.
(-) She had not washed the dishes before she went out.

4) How to form a question in the past perfect

We move 'had' to the beginning of the sentence to form a question in the past perfect.
Had + Subject + Past participle of the verb
(+) She had washed the dishes before she went out.
(?) Had she washed the dishes before she went out?
     Yes, she had / No, she had not.

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