Past Continuous

Past Continuous

1) Use

❖ We use the past continuous:

- To describe an action happening at a time in the past.
Last night at 6 o’clock, we were eating dinner.

- To describe something you did until an event interrupted you.
I was watching TV when my friend called.

- For two actions happening at the same time in the past.
While Jack was watching TV, his son was reading a book.

- To describe a scene in the past, especially when you are telling a story.
Diana was living in Istanbul that summer. Robert was working at the same school as her…

2) How to form the past continuous

We form the past continuous with was / were + the '-ing' form of the verb.
Was / Were + '-ing' form of the verb
She was playing tennis at ten o’clock.

'-ing' forms of some verbs
Infinitive '-ing' form of the verb
To work Working
To read Reading
To watch Watching
To make Making

3) How to form a negative sentence in the past continuous

We add 'not' after was / were to form a negative sentence in the past continuous .
Was / Were + not + '-ing' form of the verb
(+) She was playing tennis at ten o’clock.
(-) She was not playing tennis at ten o’clock.
(+) They were living at home.
(-) They were not living at home.

4) How to form a question in the past continuous

We move was / were to the beginning of the sentence to form a question in the past continuous.
Was / Were + Subject + '-ing' form of the verb
(+) She was playing tennis at ten o’clock.
(?) Was she playing tennis at ten o’clock?
     Yes, she was / No, she was not.
(+) They were living at home.
(?) Were they living at home?
     Yes, they were / No, they were not.

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