Future Simple

Future Simple

1) Use

❖ We use the future simple:

- To talk about things that happen in the future.
My father will be sixty in September.

- To say what we think will happen in the future.
I think it will rain tonight.

- To make offers, promises and warnings in the future.
I will drive you to work tomorrow if you like.
I promise I will call you every day.
Leave now or you will miss the train.

2) How to form the future simple

We form the future simple with 'will' + the base form of the verb.
Will + Base form of the verb
He will help you tomorrow.

3) How to form a negative sentence in the future simple

We add 'not' after 'will' to form a negative sentence in the future simple.
Will + not + Base form of the verb
(+) He will help you tomorrow.
(-) He will not help you tomorrow.

4) How to form a question in the future simple

We move 'will' to the beginning of the sentence to form a question in the future simple.
Will + Subject + Base form of the verb
(+) He will help you tomorrow.
(?) Will he help you tomorrow?
     Yes, he will / No, he will not.

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